Brewing Guides

French Press

1. Measure 71 grams of coffee and grind coarse.
2. Put coffee in bottom of French press.
3. Pour hot water over grounds until covered. Let bloom for 30 seconds.
4. Let brew 4 minutes.
5. Press plunger down.
6. Pour all coffee into mugs or carafe. Any coffee left in the press will continue to extract and become bitter.

Makes 36 oz of coffee.


1. Your coffee grinds should be ground to medium.
2. If you’d like to end up with 8 cups, add slightly more than 8 cups to account for the water that will be absorbed by the coffee.
3. Fill your coffee pot to a little over the “8” cup mark, usually located on the side of the pot.
4. Pour the water into the machine.
5. After placing the coffee filter into the basket, measure and add your coffee filter into the basket, measure, and add your coffee.
6. Press “brew.”
7. Most machines stop on their own, but if not when it sounds like the machine is “purring” the coffee is ready and you can switch the machine off.
* Each cup mark is 6 oz

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